Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The morning watch

I am so thankful to be a part of a church that challenges us to grow closer to God and gives us the tools and opportunities to do so. One such tool this year is the morning watch. Many churches in the area are meeting at our church for a time of pray, praise and repentance from 5-6 a.m. for thirty days in January. It is a challenge to clear our schedule of unnecessary activities and distractions such as TV and focus on hearing God and praying and repenting for sins as individuals, as the church and as a city and nation. it has been a wonderful time of meeting together with God and other believers. It has been challenging as things are brought to the surface that need repentance for. And encouraging as promises and prophecies are spoken out. Time will tell what God is doing but we pray that this will make a difference in our lives and our city and nation. We want to see a move of God. We're already seeing a move of God for over 125 people to consistantly meet for prayer at that hour every morning, despite snow, ice or rain. It is neat to see churches working and meeting together. Come Lord Jesus and heal our land is our prayer.

Since we have been going to bed earlier I haven't had much time to blog. I will try to get a few more posts in soon.

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