Sunday, May 22, 2005

Catching up

The last two or three days have been good for catching up. I paid the bills, replenished the cupboards and fridge :) cleaned the house and finally mowed the lawn once the weather cooperated. It is a good feeling to catch up a little.

Thursday Chris and I went to Wal-Mart and bought some more flowers for the front yard. We now have red and white geraniums in front of the window. I like to try different things from year to year. We also bought some yellow marigolds (I don’t like the orange ones mixing with my other colors just so you know) and some dianthus variety that are brilliant deep pink. These will go under the tree and the marigolds where the tree was taken out by the street. Hopefully tomorrow we will have time to plant these before I kill them!

Chris went to the doc yesterday and they determined the next course of action is to have Dr. Blackstone do the surgery for epichondylitis since it will take too long to appeal the other diagnosis. If this surgery doesn’t work they can try the other surgery. This should help both arms since he won’t be typing during the recovery. The process is still slow so it will probably be six weeks till the surgery is done.

Teresa finally had her birthday party last night. It was delayed due to friends being grounded. It went well and they actually got a little sleep. Teresa was sick for three days earlier and we wondered if the party would be delayed again but she recovered just in time!

Chris and I got two days of garage saling in to make up for last week. We found a few treasures but mostly had fun.

Tomorrow we have Teresa doing E-Team at our church for two services so she starts at 8. We have a Mexico team meeting at 8:30 a.m. and church at 10. After church we have the first meeting of our home group after they have multiplied into two groups. It is a potluck at our house at 1:00. We are looking forward to it.

Love to you Jan

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Thus sayeth the Lord

We just spent 4 sessions at a prophetic conference held at our church. We had the privilege of being prophesied over which was really cool. We were scheduled to be the last ones prayed over in the last session. We didn’t know what we would think about it all before we got started but were anxious to hear from the Lord. I never would have thought I would be so totally absorbed in hearing two men prophesy over people for over 8 hours. But it was very encouraging and uplifting and exciting. The words from the Lord seemed to be very true to the people they were said over (we wished we had really known more about the people since we are so new). We are constantly amazed by what God is doing at a Baptist church. I have been convicted of my prejudice toward denominational churches. Don’t judge a book by its cover or a church by its name.

God Bless

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Its official, Teresa has her license. Although she got her license yesterday she is just now going on her first solo drive. She ended up sick last night and this morning so she couldn’t take the car to school as planned. But she is sneaking out to pick up my transcription tape even though she is supposed to be sick (which she still kind of is). However sneakers often get caught and Teresa has had two friends call in the 10 minutes she has been gone. Go figure!

I have also caught whatever Teresa had so I have not accomplished much today except going to physical therapy. I got three new exercises for my shoulder. Fun, fun- but it is getting better so that is good. I also managed to find Chris’s birth certificate amid a bunch of pictures that I had forgotten we had so we spent a few minutes looking at pictures and another envelope that had a bunch of old pictures and thank you cards from Jonathan and Laura to Grandma and Grandad. Now I still have to find my birth certificate. I have one more file drawer to look through.

Unfortunately we had to cancel or rather postpone our mother’s day dinner out with Mom and Dad due to our sickiness. We had been looking forward to getting together with them.

I got my flowers planted on Sunday that I received for Mother’s Day. They look great and will just get better. Thank you everyone.

Love Jan

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Wonderful kids make me happy!

We just returned from a visit with “The kids”. (That phrase reminds me of my Grandpa.)
On the way to Renton we had a great time talking with Teresa. She asked us all kinds of questions about our history in YWAM and we had fun remembering all the adventures we had and relating to her how God has worked in our lives. She had not heard some of the stories and it was good for us to remember some of God’s direction and leading.

We arrived Friday night at JonTon’s apartment about 10:20 and found the hidden key and loaded all our stuff in. In a short time they returned from their movie night and we talked and talked until about 1:15. Chris started the coffee at 6:30 a.m. while I tried to pretend I didn’t hear. At about 9 it was off to the Museum of Flight. We had a picnic of pizza and strawberries and then toured some more. The planes were fascinating and we heard a talk on how wind power might have been used to build the pyramids that was quite interesting.

After the museum we met up with Laura at her dorm and then went to a park in Ballard for a picnic of sandwiches and a game of Frisbee. Due to car problems in the McQuiston’s family we were not able to meet up with them which was a disappointment. I think they will get together tomorrow instead.
After very slow traffic we arrived home about 9:30. It was a good trip.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Hope deferred a little longer

You are probably wondering about Teresa's Driving test. We found out that she did have to take a written test first. ( I had thought the driver's ed test was the written one but I was wrong) So she passed the written one yesterday and is scheduled for next week for the driving test. We'll let you know.

Yesterday we went to an informational meeting regarding the new school building. It was comprised of the former and current board members. It was basically the first step of the fund raising campaign but we knew it was coming. lol It was interesting to figure out who some of the people were. I had never met the founder of Northlake, Jim Conrad. It was inspiring to hear him tell of his initial dreams when the place was just a field across the street from his house. Now we are in the prosess of trying to figure out what God would have us give. We do believe in the project as the school has been such a good thing for our kids.

Love Jan

Monday, May 02, 2005


So my dilemma is that when I have something worth blogging about I don’t have time to blog and when I have time to blog there is nothing worth saying, which is why I haven’t blogged for a long time.

Tonight we had home group at our house. We have wanted to do this but there is a certain amount of stress the first time what with cleaning and worrying about the dog barking and comparing our house to some that we have been to that are beautiful homes. We are happy to say everything went well. The dog was happy and quiet with a huge bone and music in the garage. Caleb came and played with the toys I have been collecting (he is almost 4). And the house got clean. Yea! And the most important part is the fellowship with friends and the Lord!

We enjoyed the busy weekend which Laura described well. Thanks Mom and Dad for hosting us all. The food was great. Thanks everyone for making our birthdays so nice.

Tomorrow Teresa tries for her license I think if we have time to do it. I work till four so Chris might take her. Then we have a dessert meeting to find out more about the plans for the new school at 6:30.

But for now it is bedtime at last, 5:40 a.m. will soon be here.
