Since your anniversary we have enjoyed keeping you company out at your farm. However, recently we have wittnessed how busy you have become since deciding to move, and we felt that it was time for us to move on. Truthfully we were beginning to become concerned that we would be accidently taken to the dump or sold at a garage sale. Therefore, we found it necessary to vacate your lovely facilities. We hope you do not feel too bad, for we have truely loved your company.
Recently your family came out to haul wood and we felt it was the perfect opportunity for us to hitch a ride. Therefore we stowed away in their wood loaded trucks.

Since that time we have been enjoying the home of your son. While there we discovered their plans to visit Yellowstone National Park. Since the Mrs. and I have never really been outside of Washington we felt that this was just what we needed. After discussing it with the rest of the your family they have agreed to let us tag along. We are truly grateful and expect the trip to be very enjoyable.
The Mrs. and I have been busy getting ready for the trip. We went to the supermarket to stock up on whatever we might need for the trip and then we set to the task of packing.

Which was quite difficult since we have never really had to think about such things before. However, we feel we have finally successfully accomplished these tasks. We do hope that we can once again visit you once your life has become more settled. You will have to give us a tour of your new place! We will continue to keep in touch. Thank you very much for your care and hospitality. Give Mike our best.
Your Friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Flamingo
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