Thursday, April 20, 2006

I'm glad this day is almost over.

Forces were against us at work today although the staff had a remarkably good attitude toward each other in spite of it all. I started out behind with two buckets of charts not pulled, then there were copier problems, hard to find charts, a new trainee to orientate for 20 minutes which isn't bad in and of itself but put us more behind. Then there were missing xrays, more hiding charts, a disgruntled patient that was very vocal in the waiting room, the wrong chart pulled (it was actually his father's chart oops) but is wasn't my fault and then I had to go into the post office to mail a package that was too heavy for our scale. However we survived and were still laughing through it all. Tonight was better at home as I was able to finish my sailboat quilt. I did my first border quilting with a continuous line design of hearts and used my Pounce marking chalk. Hope tomorrow is better, anyway it is Friday! Saturday Mom and Dad and Teresa and I are going to Kaiser OR to visit Aunt Lucille and talk more quilting stuff. Have a happy Friday.

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