Saturday, November 05, 2005

A scary drive home

We spent the night and all day Saturday with Jonathan and Tonia and Laura this weekend. We celebrated Chris's birthday and mostly hung out. We did go shopping a little also and got some christmas shopping done. We were a little bit later leaving the mall than we had hoped and started the drive in the pouring rain. It was hard to drive in the rain but it was okay. After stopping at the rest stop it actually stopped raining and I was glad. Suddenly we came to a halt on the freeway. We were 4 miles north of Centralia. We eventually saw a tow truck and two police cars go by as we for about an hour. Finally as we were slowly moving we saw a very large tow truck. We realized several trees had fallen along the side of the road and partially across the road. For the next 30 miles there was a lot of debris on the road and mostly on the sides of the road. It even smelled like fresh cut trees. Evidently there had been quite a storm. We were thankful we didn't have to drive through the storm and that God had kept us safe.

1 comment:

fergylf said...

wow! Glad you made it home safe!