Wednesday, September 21, 2005

This has been a busy week. Monday Teresa started college and Chris and I worked. I had a staff meeting at 5:30 but came home and made a potato casserole for our home group potluck which Chris took to home group. I joined them after our staff meeting at apx 7:15.

Tuesday we worked. Chris tried tearing apart our TV to see if he could fix it since it had mysteriously died while we were in Seattle. :( But no luck, it is still dead. Teresa had a short school day but did homework and took a nap. She has been very tired lately. She had a blood test taken on Monday but her hmt is about 28.6 which is still pretty good for her. .

Today I was off so I did two little HealthWorks Northwest tapes, did a lot of laundry, changed Laura’s bed, collected garage sale items to sell if Grandpa Larry still has his garage sale Saturday and mowed the lawn and gave our stinky dog a bath. I also took Teresa to the doctor for any advice on Teresa’s tiredness. She took some different blood tests for mono and thyroid deficiency just to be sure. We are not planning a transfusion at this point although Teresa would kind of like one so she has more energy. She has been doing a lot of reading for her political science class. She keeps falling asleep though.

Friday Teresa has a retreat with Cornerstone that goes till Saturday night. This hopefully will be good but cuts down on homework time to finish her report for Political Science.

Chris is off tomorrow but has to go see the Vancouver Dr. Green and get a shot in his arm. He also wants to take our computer in to get it cleaned up and get new virus protection put on. I have to work tomorrow.

1 comment:

Ton Lynn said...

Hey all!
I hope Teresa feels better!!! We can't wait to come visit you all in a couple of weeks!!
Poor Wilson, he doesn't like baths- but I am glad he is clean and pretty :)
talk to ya'll soon.