Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Today was my last day off after a week and a half off work. I enjoyed my time off but I never accomplish as much as I would like. We did get some things done around the house thanks to the motivation of having everyone over for Easter.

Yesterday Teresa stopped by LCC and found out that she missed the reading requirement on the placement test by one point (as did at least 15 other people) so she is going to retake it tomorrow as well as the math test. She is only 6 points away from College level math placement rather than high school level so hopes to improve that as well. These retakes are not timed and are less pressured so she should improve her scores. She mentioned in math that she learned a new concept the next monday that would have answered several questions on the test.

Yesterday I had a doctor's apt and today I had a dentist apt so I have been keeping Kaiser in business. I also went shopping with Mom for beads for the tablecloths and we found some. I them put on one table cloth and hope to get the other one done soon.

Teresa had E-Team practice and youth group. She was glad to get back to Youth group after missing a last week.

Chris has been working on getting the chords to some worship songs for home group. He has been leading worship at home group the last two times.


Ruby Hardbottle said...

HA HA! I have sources who told me about your blog... Do you want me to put a link to this on mine?

Ton Lynn said...

I am so glad you have a blog! I already have alink on my blog to yours!
and I am back to blogging myself!
Have a beautiful weekend!
Aren't comments great :)