Sunday, March 21, 2010

Making Laura's wedding quilt

Grandma cuts out squares that have the number of the block on them. She then waits until the block is sewn by the girls and then staples the correct number on the matching block.
Teresa sews blocks using a chain method.
Laura helps out making blocks.
Rikki is pressing her blocks.
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Jan had found the quilt picture on the internet. Then numbered each block.
Then she wrote down the number of the block that corresponded to each of 16 different block types.

So much organization is required.
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We layed all the blocks out on my bed so we could see the entire design and if the blocks were correct. Yay they worked!
This shows the overall design. You can see the numbers that Grandma Ruth attached to each block so we know the correct order.

Grandma and Jan worked hard to attach the correct numbers to the correct blocks.
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