We are getting close to the home stretch, only 8 days till Christmas day however since we are celebrating early it is only 6 days till our first celebration. Here is an overview of some of the things we have been doing.
-Work....Laura has joined the working crowd with a temp job at Cowlitz bank. It is supposed to last until the first of the year.
-Parties....Chris and Jan both had gift exchanges at work earlier in the week, and a christmas party with their former home group last night. Laura's party with her friends is tonight. Teresa had a party Friday night...however that leads to...
-Sickness...Teresa came home from her party in the early morning with the stomach flu and Chris Has disappeared into his room with beginnings of the same. He is trying to sleep it off. Laura is now trying to avoid the house and all the cooties.
-Shopping… Mom and I got out shopping yesterday and had some success. We just have a few more gifts to get and a few more to finish at home.
-Quilting… Today was our monthly get together with Linda and company. Jan and Laura attended but Jan came home early because Teresa was sick. Jan is starting a baby blanket with Noah’s Ark on it…for no one in particular…just because I had the material. Laura is trying to progress with her quilt and is needing mom’s help but it has been hard to get together with the same schedule. But she is making progress.
-Fundraising… Chris and I have both taken items to sell at work to raise money for the Peru fundraiser and have had success selling blankets and dishcloths. We also had a potato bake at church and raised $590 that day. So we are about a third of the way there for the team and on our personal expenses. Thanks to those who have donated to the cause.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone this next week. Pray we can get over this stomach flu and not pass it on.