There have been several new beginnings these past few weeks. On Sept 17th we started our new third service at Northlake Baptist. It is being held in the Gym and is more casual and a little different format. We had 85 at the first Sunday and 77 I think on the second Sunday. We are getting a little faster with set up and tear down although we need more people to help set up. Our biggest frustration is the projection of words for worship which hopefully can be improved soon. Otherwise things are going pretty well.
Another first for us was a new home group that we are starting for college and young adults. Our first meeting was last night and it went well. Hopefully we can get more people interested and involved in the planning and running of the meetings as Chris and I don’t necessarily want to be the ones leading.
Chris was finally able to get out on his first fishing trip on Sunday. He had to get a new motor because the propeller broke and nobody carries the part anymore because it was an older model but he found one on Craig’s list in Portland and picked it up Thursday night. He caught no fish but had fun.
We have been having a lot of meetings the last week or so… for the third service, a training seminar for home group leaders, a Peru trip mission team meeting, monthly mission team meeting set up for the service plus chruch and homegroup. This next week won’t be as bad except Chris will be at a coding conference for his job for his continuing education. I get to go to a quilt show instead :)
That’s it for now. Jan