The good:-Teresa and I worked on quilts last week. Teresa finished her quilt top and I have most of my blocks done. I hope to work on it more this Sunday.
-We are starting plans for a trip to Yellowstone this August. It’s fun to be making itineraries and have something to look forward to.
-We enjoyed celebrating birthdays with both Grandma Ruth and Granddad
-Chris got a good report from his doctor yesterday. He is healing well and starts physical therapy Monday.
-We can watch the second season of 24 instead of old Christmas specials.
-Teresa got a new dress for the formal next week. It is turquoise blue and gorgeous.
-Grandma Ruth and Grandpa Larry came over for lunch yesterday and we had a good visit.
The Bad:-Jan has been sick for the last ten days. (I am getting better, no coughing last night.)
-All the Christmas decorations have been taken down and it looks a little plain.
-It’s kind of lonely without all the kids home…but there is potentially more to read on the blogs that way.
And the ugly:-I did move Mary and Joseph and baby Jesus to the back yard and noticed how ugly the yard is….moss growing everywhere, dead roses still on the rosebushes, rain, rain, and more rain and lots of weeds. (But the daffodils and crocus are poking up and eventually the rain will stop and I will be healthy enough to go outside and clean up a bit.)
Hope your life after Christmas has more good than bad and ugly.