Last week we finally got all unpacked and got caught up on things. I worked Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Thursday Teresa and I had doctor’s appointments and worked at the fireworks stand for Cornerstone. It was pretty slow but I heard they did better during the weekend. Chris and Laura worked at the stand on Friday.
We had a great three day weekend over the fourth. Jonathan and Tonia came down Saturday about noon. We sneaked out for a few garage sales before they came since I hadn’t been to any in a few weeks. I really am addicted.
We took in most of the festivities including the car show down town, the lake booths, the parade and the fireworks of course. And we were able to see everyone at a dinner at Mom and Dad’s. We also had an opportunity to use our fire pit we bought last year to make some-mores on Sunday night. We also got in a few games of Rummykub (our favorite game) and Monopoly ( my not so favorite game if Jonathan is playing lol).
Yesterday we went to the library and got about 15 books. A little boy at the check out counter asked “are you going to read all those books?” I told him one was for my daughter that I had already read but I would probably read all the others. My house will probably suffer for the next week or so…. But I will have to take work breaks to help Teresa clean her room and keep up with the laundry and meals.
The dishwasher still wasn’t working right so we called our neighbor the appliance repair man and he installed a new hose. He said the old one was kinked in two places. If that doesn’t work he has a different one in his garage we can have. Hurray for dishwashers that work.
Now we are gearing up for Laura’s birthday next week.
Love Jan